Flo can you make a video about that? I’d like to see who won with my 2 eyes.
Fucking Christ mate that’s a lot ;)
It’s not only you, there are many others too ya know?
I could give you the TP as a file if thats what you need.
That’s nice to know
May I ask how did Hashtec came up to you?
I think that its meant to be that way.
Maybe restart your router? Or even reset it.
What I’m about to say is for the 2nd part, the molotovs I think he means about what damage does to players. I can confirm that every time someone...
Thanks Micatchu for your efforts
Good job to the Devs. It was about time :P <3
Checked, thanks alot!
Alright thanks mix!
Yea i know that because i have used 5zig before, but i wasnt certain if it was 100% allowed
Alright thanks Mix!
whats the website?
When are the so awaited Vote Top rewards going to be given? Just asking
This feature would allow you to enable or disable chat notifications (this includes MSG’s and having your ingame name mentioned in chat) It would...
Yes, just like mine!