Do you know how many times this would happen to me during a stream? I think /spank is enough atm LMAO.
YES! I love Kriss Vector! Vouch Vouch Vouch
Well, I'll be happy to give you some tips. But heres a challenge for you. Try something intricate with lots of Color and Boldness. Along with...
Things take time. Be Patient. The best updates take the longest to produce.
Oml go away, you used to hack on that other server. Thanks for watching my videos, but no one needs someone as toxic as you here.
Agreed. It’s a bit much. Maybe lower the kit.
I’m loving the wink emoji
Keep up the good work!
Good luck! Let us know how it goes!
Ooooof then it’s all good, thanks though!
Streaming at 3Pm PST! See you all there!
Whatever you got bby ;) not home rn. But I’m usually streaming at 3 pm PST.
Whatever they are working on, I’m sure it will help bring these servers back to life!
good luck ;)
Okay. The term P2W really makes me wonder if you’ve spent any money on the server. When the player donates, the money goes directly back into the...
Welcome ;)