Send me a pm when your home ;) I’ll stream just for you
I think we've all decided Stream Rewards aint happening, what now? xd
Staff team does sound fun ;)
No prob lmao
Press F3+H in game to be able to see number id’s
I didint dupe, I was payed xd
You speak to many languages
IGN, Discord, Plot ID IGN: IWulf_ Discord: IWulf_#1324 Plot ID: 59: -146 Heres a little video if you're too lazy to open up the pictures:...
all kinds
oh hush lmao
That Awesome spam tho ez messages Glad your enjoying them!
Tis AdMin did a big aubuse durin stream plz send halp
No u
The updated GTM is the result of a ton of updates being done to make the server better. If we bring back everything, it’s peettymuch setting back...
Hey! Welcome to GTM! Glad to see your running this position! I’m excited to stream this Vice 2 event ;) should be exiting!
IWulf. ITratior. I see a trend here ;)
Me too! Hope to see you there!
Stop asking for rewards and such. We have a YT and Streamer Rank already, and there is currently no need for rewards. If anything, a stream is...