Looks like you guys don't want Gtm to grow, ok, I'll leave Gtm FOREVER! Also, you're ruining the reputation of your staff, many of them are friendly.
If GTM continue allowing racist, it's no doubt that even more player will leave Gtm because racist are driving non-english players away!
Honestly, you're not listening to what I said...
How about other players?
Also, I spend lots of money buying stuff on Gtm4, and I FOUND THIS IS WASTING MY MONEY because Gtm4 is the worst server I've ever play...
Yes NO HALLOWEEN EVENT on Gtm 4, the players on Gtm 4 did not receive candy bag. [ATTACH] 17+=18, 18=Adult
I'm not either English or German player, but I don't think we should allow racism on GTM.
AND, German player join GTM 1 is because GTM4 is AWFUL, everything is worse than GTM1. We got Halloween event, New houses and New places in Gtm1....
The reason I said people won't lie is due to my experience. For example, when I join the GTM1 server and ask those player 'how old are you guys?'....
Not me, I just felt sad for German players...
Well it is easy to find out by asking them, most of the player won't lie...
The reason I'm making this thread is because i saw someone IS RACIST, and here is what they said: [ATTACH]
Yesterday, I saw 2 racists on Gtm 1 disrepecting German player saying that they're 'Ni***rs' and 'Bi***es' , it makes me really angry, but the...
Anyway, it's their choice whether they put Ad or not... Oh, by the way, you said advertising on Google will add lots of player, but you also said...
Since Google is the World's biggest search engine, they can found people who plays Minecraft readily (Big Data), Google shows GTM ad to people who...
If there's more people playing GTM, it'll increase the chance for GTM staff to earn more money because there will be more ppl buying stuff on the...
@SkylixMC My idea on advertising is to put ad on Google, they will put ad everywhere so people can easily see it. For instance, you can find bunch...
Honestly, I don't think there's not enough houses for all the GTM players because I found that there's nearly thousand of Non-Premium house. If...
Recently, I noticed that less and less people playing on GTM, there's only about hundreds of player every day. So i'd like to give some...