Its a concern about helpop when i was pvping against one
I only want cheat codes and permits
what if its like gtm 6 super empty with like 2-10 players online would u transfer lets say my stuff :) plz to another server <3
IGN) VLNDP2 I never played gtm 2 much just giving my supreme kit 0 almost a year i live on gtm Hobo supreme rank I'm looking for a server to...
NOoooo Jonas sharing is caring
how many cause i have 5 alts
HMU with the money dude ill take care of it ;)
and what cause the server to go CHAOS :3
Yes cuz right now like all the godfathers stay at spawn theres no need to play cuz they think their at the top of the food chain but their wrong...
it would be cool if gtm would reset like godfather would become hobo and restart but supreme keep their supreme rank and people who have their...
Grand can i join with my supreme rank you know how good i am and I'm thinking moving to another server on gtm
To join by agreeing the rules and you meet the requirements please say i agree to the requirements and rules (put your discord or Skype so that i...
To join: Be skilled Dont hack be able to use a chainsaw Have a panda face somewhere on your skin where you can see it Must have rank for quick...
You don't have to i just want a house thats huge and i realize theres a lot of glitches with the chainsaw like it docent work this new house...
No cuz all the good players would just go to 5 star then jp then R.I.P
so if you guys give support for handcuff my pops (presidentx) will add the hand cuff to gtm oh and will it be added to op kit when you right click...
No not anymore thats why we need likes and support here so presidents will add hand cuff its a melee version of the taser so u can melee people
you can go wing suiting and hit jp its a lot easier then chainsawing them
its like the taser accept instead of shooting you hit the person and they go to jail and their loot falls to the ground and you back pack their...
My first can't do thumbs up so their gonna say they want it