making it up to 3.5 mil
If the sale is over name your price but i pay 2.5 mil with the sale (you buy first i’m Been scammed 2 timed on forum)
Found iT
Oops iT already finished XD
ING: Ikbenthijsniet 2 mil on gtm 1
hey Guys i am giving 2.5 mil and than i get vip -> premium (you buy first because there are so much forum scammers)
I think you get your stuff back make a ticket
hey builder team Much players are looking for a 15 Permit with 15 chest but they are all owned (in gtm1) can you build some (also for other...
Where can i do that?
I agree only that there to much hackers but don’t quit !
don't place so much things dragonzzzyt a lot if people stress it
But @Mishel2 he Said he is already unbanned
Of you are unbanned het are you than posting what is the problem?
are you unbanned or not?
but why you set this on the forum are yoy still not unbannd?
staff can go in gamemode 3 (spectator mode) they can follow you than you can't see them he followed you probely in gamemode 3, give proof you...
Hey staff i got 15 permits now but there aren't houses that i can buy they are all owned i got a idea can you guys make some more 15 permit houses...
Nice GG but lordtwig are you interested in my moneys ? ;)
but your choice lordtwig :D