Mixlogic i gor 5 new Permits out of a 3 star Crate i got now a 20 permit house
I'm paying 5 mil on gtm for the rank upgrade vip to premium it is 15 dollar Who is doing the deal?
Happy birthday
maked 1 if you have tips or something let me know than i can change him :D Name: IkBenThijsNiet ID: -69;137
Did he agree on the forums?
GG we got a new staff member a helpop his name is Tmorge5 if you see him online say him "congratulations!" ENJOY your staff member time Tmorge5 <3
I don’t have a screen shot but i know crashboy payt 4 mil to someone
it have 16 chest normal 15 permit houses have 15 :D
I buyt iT for 200k iT is a small house but iT have 16 chests ;D
I got iT :)
i was asking henning i know only our 2 need to be there :D
okay than do the deal with henning when are you online?
but if there is a 20 permit house for me ever than i sell it for free XD when are you online?
I msg you when i am online
hey i have 20 permits but all the 20 permits are owned can staff build me 1? or can i customize 1? if i customize 1 for 20 permits how much chest...
i'm paying 4.5mil for a rank upgrade to premium it is 15 dollar in the store. reply if you do the deal I PAY ON GTM 1!!