i got 2 tree houses ID: ID: -69;137 IGN: IkBenThijsNiet
I hope you find somebody today someone buyt me premium ;)
deal succesfull i'm now premium THANKS <3 <3
I'm paying @NoHaxJustMino 5 mil, and he buy me than vip -> premium (15 dollar) i agree
I’m at home
I’m home over 2 hour and 20-30 minutes i let you know when i’m at home
Oh i’m home over more than 2 hour
I am now at school we can do iT later
IT is
Hey @NoHaxJustMino can you buy me vip -> premium i pay 5 mil on gtm for iT iT is 15 dollar
I know i can fix iT easy but i only let now i also have iT ;)
You can only buy 1 row max. If you than get supreme you got 12 rows total
Me too
Goof idea it can be added in the 5 star crate 3% change you get a extra bp row or 1 item place for 10k tokens
Okey can iT than be if you are elite+ you can do iT
Is iT a idea that players can buy extra bp space (max 11 rows Total) 1 room is 1 mil
I offer 5 mil for vip -> premium that is more because iT is 15$
Gg jjrocks
I pay on gtm 1, 5mil if you buy me a rank upgrade to premium
Who did the deal with you? I'm paying 5 mil for a upgrade to premium that's 15 dollar