I think you got a to low price people want more like 1 mil 1-2 katana
Oh i saw your other post you want the vip rank.... Uhm you can say iT better like Who can buy me vip look at my price
He can have a alt and scam with that and than u pay your money to your main account Oh and make the title than not i trade vip rank but something...
But the portal is a random spawn, and if you don’t want have the change to spawn in the City than Use your phone iT is not that much only 200
hey guys if you read this you are wasting your time this was a joke guys :D
i think he found it online because i have seen it before but it is a nice building :D good job
Why is that @MixLogic ??
Gg nice this Works out
i can't find them.... STAFF PLs IT IS NOT MY FAULT! my house is empty glitched a long time ago i know i had 12 jp and 2 liitle chest full mini's...
my chests were empty gltched in the time that we had the old gps XD nice times
.... but staff it is not my fault the empty chest glitch but i got some it think i ever maked screens for my friends
you is supreme and than you go hack buy a alt and do it there :o
Who is banned?
Move this to bugs and suggestions