nice this works out and mrnoisyray enjoy your elite ;)
I got the same thing
Oh okey why not he doesn’t respond?
I was thinking iT finished shall i go further ?
Soooo nice :o
I think iT is new added but a mistake in the update
I have the same thing only that i didn’t lose money
And what now he maked mistake there is nothing wrong everyone say gtm than iT is okey
For Who? And was this deal a succes?
In the donor deal trading rules there stands you need accept on the forums
Is the deal gone good no ome scammed ?
If you vote than 1 time you got that 2k back
Oh oops but also than why he go hack if he have a supreme account
Okey sorry :o
Congrats ;)
You mean real life or you Spanked someone than there stands daddy _justflo_ spanked ikbenthijsniet
I go seek in my whole pc
Hmm you have make a building that is ever Made before but you do not now that
..... but itraitor it was on 1 day gone ASK staff there was a empty house glitch
SUPER NICE don’t know your ING was _justflo_ than i saw you a few times online in creative ;)