I will buy a 10$ giftcard from _HungryAfrican for 9 millions If you agree to this deal writte i agree I agree
I have changed it before 2 or 3 days because JustNassim rate it to me
At first i must say that this is a very good server and i like it to play on it, but this server hates me. 1.The first time where i have problems...
Hello all together, how the titel says i will buy giftcads. I will pay for each dollar 750k. I hope someone is interested and i hope we come to a...
Could someone buy me the rank upgrade from elite to sponsor for 50$ BUT i will give for the 50$ a 7,50$ giftcard so you must pay only 42,50$ and...
I will buy him 5 permits for 17,50$ on gtm7 and he will gives me for that 15 millions on gtm1. Writte i agree if you accept the deal. I agree
Hello all together i would do a irl deal with someone who can buy me a 15$ giftcard. For this i will give 10 millions on gtm 1. Msg me in game...
Hello all together i would do a irl deal with someone who can buy me a 25$ giftcard. For this i will give 149 Katanas and 8 millions and 5Jps on...
I will do an irl deal with someone who can buy me the rank upgrade to Sponsor I will give -16 millions -149 Katanas -22 Samuri Air Jordans -3...
RedstonersHD buys a unban for the account of my friend (Zohan1967) and i will give him for that 123 Katanas, 5 JPs and 10 millions in game money...
My holidays start today and therefore I won't be on for the next 6 weeks (Mostly_Mops). For these 6 weeks I am in Croatia and wanted to ask where...
deal successful
I agree (Mostly_Mops)
Do you accept to buy me the rankupgrade to elite for $25 dollars for 9 mil and 100 katanas I accept
If he wants, I'll give him 10 million and 30 Katanas
Ok thank you again so much
I wait now for one week. What is now with my Money?
750k was the price what he want, not the price what i would give normally
Do you accept the trade to buying me the upgrade to elite for 750000 I agree Then writte i agree