I love swimming, I don't like games involved with running because I'm a terrible runner, but I still enjoy team games.
Another awesome idea! Keep up the good work!
I really like this idea! This should be added definitely!
So basically there is a new resource pack in GTM and the katanas look was changed too. I and a lot of people think that the katanas new look is...
What do you mean by that? Sorry if it's a dumb question.
I think I even made a video of it but the appeal was still denied, so I decided to delete the video. And I can't make a new one because I really...
I did use the word 'promise' because I do promise to never hack again. It's been a long time and I really do not want to hack again I understand...
I have appealed a lot of times, I think that I would be trustworthy because I posted a picture of my .minecraft folder clean of hack clients. I'll...
So basically I have been banned two times, first time for auto log and the second time for kill aura and auto log. H3ROBRINE banned me and he is...