The glitch is that when you use a homing launcher armor is totally ignored. You can 1 shot people and it's just over powered. But don't worry. I'm...
Yo! You wanna do a donor deal. I give you a good deal
Yeah I lost a rare kit... rip :(
This was because of the trash can glitch. After I got on yesterday I noticed the trash can was changed to the old one again (not taking half...
wow, this is just stupid xD
I don't know if you started playing before gtm 1 or after but it was a pretty fun game. What you would do is everyone would have a elytra and a...
Sweet update :)
i don't know if anyone from legacy remembers the old game mode wing glidersi or however it was called but it seems to have been removed. If anyone...
You need to have permits which you can buy on the gtm store. 1 permit is equal to 1 Chest believe and the minimum Chests are 10 (I believe). You...
same thing with mg
The spider man net launcher looks sweet. I also like the more pixelated guns. Remindes me of back in legacy.... :( r i p
Someone has to reset the server like an hour before this was posted (cuz I had a really nice run today morning)
If anyone remembers retards of gtm thread this is were this belongs in
As a legacy player and recently have joined gtm again (SMLEE0609) all the guns and new meta is going to have to get some getting used to. Cheat...