Currently on gtm 1 I would say that TheSponges and MemeArchitects are probably the biggest gangs right now. o_O
Christmas should be one everyone should be waiting for. I remember getting 25 house tokens back in legacy when the 50% sale was on
Even though I do think riot Shields should be worth something like 1k here is why I don't think they should be worth 10k 1 - One reason I belive...
https://imgur.com/a/3kkXF https://imgur.com/a/GPJ8h https://imgur.com/a/hXmfI
LOL, wow. Just because you're mad at me in irl this is what you do. BTW: I have bunch of people that have seen me build this and the process I...
Specs: 2 Trash Cans, 200 chests, a rooftop pool, and a storage area. Plot id: -133:-26 [MEDIA]
I like both ideas! I must say I like the second one better though because it has more of a gtm vibe to it. I do believe back in legacy the staff...
Im quite sure that mods except for optifine aren't allowed. As far as im sure steal and store is a part of the wurst hack client. Btw even though...
Happy Birthday!
or he has a be jake paul ;)
not even godfathers had access to minis, only elite and sponsers. I had a shitty m4 xD
https://gyazo.com/05a47d6ecc472be2a5bbaf17727731d9 ummm, what is that on the top right of the screenshot? steal and store? Im quite sure that...
3. I'm quite sure that for a trash can in your house you need at pay a extra 5 permits if I'm not mistaken
As far as I'm sure he will get banned and but since the deal wasn't done over forums you can't get your items back. If I'm wrong about this if...
In game name: Qhong Rank: Dealer Donor Rank (if applicable): Premium KDR: 1.3 Why you want to join TheSponges: Need a good and active gang. I have...
YO HAPPY BIRTHDAY, at least it says so xD
Happy Birthday
well, even better xD :D
wow, a german server gtm 4. A russian server as well? :D