My build is comlete, the interior is kinda shitty but ehh. Plot ID: -56;-136
Do you have proof. Like a PayPal transaction ID or transaction ID for whatever payment method you used?
On the top where the navigation bar is click "members" and on the side there should say Today's Birthdays
It says it on forums xD
Happy Birthday
Im sorry if I offend any of the devs that have spent a lot of time on this new update but this is my opinion of the new update, It kinda sucks....
man this brings back so many memories
I believe Mix means the plot info, do /plot info
Can we bet like fucking money on this shit? This is like Mc Gregor vs Floyd except we already know who will win. I put 100k on mishel xD
Great video man! Also thanks for the idea for my signature ;)
Being in your gang is awesome. But being in a helpop's gang is even better;)
Is it? No one told me. I guess I'll change it then
Thx for rating my 150 permit house retarded <3 I guess I'll return you the favor
I'm just telling my side of the story and why I though this wasn't a joke. It wasn't my intention to to prove you wrong since I could have done...
Walter. I also know that there is a visual glitch or sometimes you think you posted a message but hear me out. After I posted my first message I...
I agree with iTraitor. It really bothers me that when I'm able to finally get rid of all the health of the car all the driver needs to do is drive...
Congrats on mod, btw also your head that jake got will sell for even more xD
Hey Fred, I was just wondering if you have the made your decision for the 150 permit house competition yet. If not I would be great if you could...