Sadly Cord only plays on gtm 2 @MixLogic
Hello Dear Players of GTM. Im currently looking for a donar deal and am willing to offer very good overpay. First of all what will I be offering?...
My question is, why did you even make a video and a whole post on this even in the first place???? xD
Hey buddy I got around 26 mil worth of stuff on gtm 1. PM me if you are interested in making deal!
Hey buddy. Do you still do donar deals? I have around 26mil worth of stuff I would like to offer all on gtm 1. PM or forums are discord if you...
I've played gtn for around 3 year now. The past 2 years the Christmas sales were 50%. Atleast I'm sure the one last year was since I bought...
I cry
There is a easier way to take off which is called the "Broksy Method" named after who found out about this technic/method 1) Hold Shift 2) Look...
: Z Ign: Qhong
Imma join
What is the prize?
Flo if you do giveaway so much shit rig for me bro <3
Good to know! I wish I had this when I started off on creative xD
Does anyone know what happened to the old game back like a year ago called "Wing gliders." I really enjoyed it and since legacy won't come back...
It's like Csgo with the bomb and hostage situation but I guess you could say rainbow six siege has more depth and has more variety in it, also has...
The grenade launcher is aids enough, a gun that will shoot stickies? The already is a problem with the sticky bombs. I couldn't see this being a...
Zuclas, I suggest you learn the gtm econemy before doing anything, especially for donar deals. No one except a new player who is willing to pay...
They are houses which only one person at a time can own. You also need to buy these houses and can only buy them with permits which you can get by...
Congratz man, you deserve it with all the amazing builds you have made