I xFluff on (gtm1) will give Rodax 10 mill 50 wings 30 miniguns and 10 katanas for an upgrade to sponsor Robax Reply With Yes or No If you are...
imnoT drunk OKAI
First off i just wanna say the texture pack looks like 5 year old made it and secondly Riot shields are now useless and kind of buggy when im...
@Mishel2 Dad i love you your the Crem to my le crumb gg on admin daddy ;)
kk ty
And also i traded Skids head and Pistans head for 70 wings
Duping is patched and i dont dupe
@Jvkatox if your good with code why not apply for dev? :D
The Shields are like fucking paper now sadly
@iTraitor riot shields don't protect you Minis legitimately Destroy wingers Riots need there stats buffed They don't do anything to protect you...
@MixLogic when will Riot shields be fixed they are a key part in wingsuiting
Wingsuiting is fun , You just have to be good at it :D like dodging nets etc
https://www.mediafire.com/file/2s99d3nkucp4ug5/%C2%A7c%C2%A7lGTM+%C2%A7r%C2%A76%C2%A7lResource+Pack%C2%A7f%C2%A7l%282%29.zip set Server resource...
donor deal with black_mamba501 i pay him 4 mill then he buys me Sponsor then i pay the rest
Paying 12 million on Gtm3 For a Upgrade to sponsor Msg me in game if you are interested
Looking for a 50$ Donor Deal Paying 12,000,000 on gtm3
@Presidentx Yo when ever i go on the store and select my country it doesnt work And i wanna buy sponsor sometime soon