dis is staff rant not
He tried to be "mister smart ass" by saying it is legal and bs.
And, to top off things even worse this staff (Jvkatox) didn't even know that trading in game items for stuff outside was illegal and he attempted...
aren't staff supposed to do their shit?
He then fucking responds to me after i ask him to spec me that he is "I'm busy with something more important than your salty hackusates"
Jvkatox, a former mod was a nice guy at the start. I recently fucking /reported Deaqon for god glitch he responded with god glitch was fixed. I...
This hasn't been made before and maybe they will respond to our negative talks about them. Let's share our experiences.
Through out playing gtm (since gtm legacy), No staff has ever got fired for their actions. I am wondering now if anyone who was staff had to leave...
wonder when it will be fixedf..
they do.
that's like saying o yeah, ill just turn on a vpn to start hacking, won't get banned on my main so it dont matter
that's honestly so retarded, he used to always play on gtm5. Can't you staff members recognize his voice and shit? Obviously Grandacity can and,...
thanks babe
[MEDIA] who ever thought 4 block reach was ok on gtm is wrong. just like this retard PrizmBlitz
talking to him on discord??
how tf do you get proof of someone ip banned
then eikjo should be banned as he is TheHudmaster20 and alot of people know that.
What I've noticed is people just playing while ip banned. I've gotten different responses from several staff saying they shouldn't or should be...