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positive he hasnt pvped before
the anticheat or the hit detection thingy makes the 200ms player impossible to hit basically
i get like 26ms so yeah.. and I've also noticed that when u face people who have 4 bars/200ms it looks like they have hacks because they get late...
Got 16mil on gtm1, 5mil on gtm2, 8mil on gtm4 and, 22mil on gtm5 if u got money and can do a donor deal hmu if u can do 10$ 25$ 50$ and even 100$
scammed xD
15mil venupadhyay do u agree?
changed it
this only happened on gtm1 not on 5 or other gtms pretty sure
the accuracy of the gun and damage has been reduced alot. its really obvious as I used to be able to kill others within a short amount of time and...
[MEDIA] ? did it get nerfed?
lmao they're always to busy so what's the point.
this is a joke man, i do /help wait like 5mins no response go on gtm1 yet there's 3 staff at spawn
it always happens
this is bs as i see alot of staff on gtm1 completely doing nothing or pvping, multiple times people have /reported on other servers and did /help...