he scammed me... i have proof so ez ban?
I will be paying 15mil and 25 katanas for Sponsor to Supreme (100$) do u agree?
u dont jp that's why
boi i comboed u in pot pvp
you forgot about Sexy_Survivor and lukejaw
that's the kid who scams others then uses the money to do donor deals
Im the only person because I'm the one who knows what's going on lol
how about the minigun on gtm5?
So to prove my point of gay jping [MEDIA] this video you can clearly fucking see after he hits the gear drops like a few meters away from where he...
Read the Desc or watch the video [MEDIA]
wtf are you talking about. People start from the bottom to get to where they are at. They dont come to the top just to get some shitty gun they've...
i prefer minigunning on the ground.
nah g it was nerfed 2 times. It was at 4 bars of damage now 2 and plus autoclickers and jitter is the only way to kill people with a minigun so...
What retards who aren't godfather don't understand is that people who dont have supreme started at the bottom aswell, YOU GOTTA FUCKING GRIND UR...
The Minigun isnt skill with aim anymore, It's just autoclickers and jitter clicks
Just a fucking rant about the minigun. The Devs have never fucking played on the server just in general im betting because I've noticed the...
Some people are really retarded, I've never gave them the pack and then, they just start bragging about how good it is.
its in the desc now :)
[MEDIA] 15 likes is the goal
not lying though xD