21 Days until Halloween. Time for the spooky joke of the day Q: What is a ghost’s favorite fruit? A: Booberries!
22 Days until Halloween. Time for the spooky joke of the day Q: What do ghosts drink when they're thirsty on Halloween? A: Ghoul-aid!
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23 Days until Halloween. Time for the spooky joke of the day Q: What do ghosts use to wash their hair? A: Shamboo!
gratz <3
If you go back to record a hacker, just bring a knife and a gun, nothing valuable. This way, you can record the hacker(s) without losing anything...
Happy birthday!
Hey dad <3
Happy early birthday
26 Days until Halloween. Time for the spooky joke of the day Q: Why didn’t the skeleton go to the ball? A: Because he had no BODY to go with
Lol nice xD
27 Days until Halloween. Time for the spooky joke of the day Q: What do ghosts eat for supper? A: Spooketi
Yup, I am the spookiest
Yeah, but there is a difference between losing 20% of what you put in, but I and many others are losing more than 75% of what we put in. If...
Nice! Thanks for supporting GTM
Have a great wedding Stephen! Thanks for adding paysafe prez :P
I can help. When is it due though lmao
Congrats :)