xD and thx
Werent you banned you would do it? And thx
I pay 10 Katanas 30jps and 1mil for 15 permits. Who want just wrire down here or msg me Timi_spielt or SoakedBeastFNA on gtm4
When you win the trials its like buying with 500tokens 30days vip, I think it would be to OP if anyone can get out of 1star crate 7days supreme...
Aber immernoch 5mil 20katanas und doppelkiste jps? Also immer noch gleicher deal ja?
Ok hol dann morgen die psc
Entweder gegen 13:00 oder 19:30 -20:00 am montag
Sry I forgot can you lock the thread pls
And? Its his ammount i would take deals for this stuff for 2.6mil too but I asked how much and then he told me the amount sure that nobody was...
Ok you are a cool guy Skylix and congrats to Sr. Mod
GG man really worth it like DieHeldernarr with his song told us but they are right first elite upgrade and then sponsor nobody will pay instantly...
Sry Skylix when im dumb niw but then pls tell me where?
I agree to do this deal Right?
Thank you too and JustNassim Niki2111 is really hacking I think SoakefBeastFNA is on at gtm4 and Niki2111 hacked with killaura
I agree the trade it will begin at monday 14.5.18 MEZ Iagree too the donation deal rules
sry i clicked on Report sry
Hello guys there I search someone who do a donor deal on gtm 4 my budget is 10-15$ so if anyone want comment this post thx.
When you have the money on gtm4 too then I do the deal