Yesterday I right clicked the chainsaw and it won't work. Is does feature supposed to happen? The chainsaw can only left click to deal damage...
Hmm I currently have like 10 jps 1 wing 2.6mil, and 3 katanas how much will that get me?
INstead of 17 jps and 5 wings, Im giving him 13 jps and 11 wings and 100k more. Do you agree?
I'm giving LilDannyBoi 6mil, 25 katanas, 17jps, 5 wings, goldenminigun for 500 crowbars (25$) I, DekisBMinion agree to this deal
Offering 6.3mil, 25 katanas, 1 goldenmini, 17jps,10wings on GTM2 for 500 crowbars (25$)
PLayer seemed to scam deal off.
Im giving him 6.3mil, 25 katanas, 17jps, 10wings, 1goldenmini, for 500 crowbars (25$) I, DekisBMinion agree to this deal.
Grand lemme join I gave you 400k - DekisBMinion
Dude Nopuff. Do you remember Awesomeaksh when he scammed DuckOnPC? Don't do donor deals with fucking hobos! -DekisBMinion
i want jps or money on GTM1 Or GTM2
I'm trading money (converted my jp from my kit to money) or Jps on any GTM! I'm trustable from HenningLenz's trust trade gtm thingy and umm yah!
giving away 100k on all gtm servers! [MEDIA]
I think I have some jps on gtm3 I can trade. I'm on the trusted list and I'll go first if you want. IGN is DekisBMinion
GG Nate! -DekisBMinion
dude you can arrest people with taser just by hitting them.. you don't need to shoot
Don't get donor deal scammed.
If you have common sense, you would know hobos won't buy you stuff LOL. I know numerous people who has been scammed from hobos (crashboy etc..) Do...
How would these work? How would the handcuffs help you?
Dear Henninglenz, I changed my IGN from DekisBGold to DekisBMinion. Please change it on here. Thanks!