So, I caught around 20 hackers, and most of them were Premium+ I'm widely disappointed in this community as I just caught another PREMIUM...
[MEDIA] Made in 10min bois
: z DekisBMinion is my IGN GL to all!
and 300k
Did I break the system?
1017 crowbars, 5 wingsuit, 1238 tokens, Riot Shield,2 Samuri Air Jordans, Kwons Booty Shorts, 3 Dildos, 1 kit drugs, 1 net launcher, 1 black op...
Oh I was unclear of that because last time I asked staff they said it'll be a 1 day ban. My apologies
Are you asking me or the staff members? just to remind you, Im not staff lmao.
They will not reset his account, just a 1 day ban.
What is LittleSavage geting?
Apparently it's banable, Boocius threatened to ban me if i didnt give the shit back
It's actually banable, Boocius threatened to ban me.
I would do the deal but im poor as hell LOL.
Duck was banned for tracers but his banned has been reduced to 2months because he used hacks on other servers but forgot to turn it off. This is...
So basically there is this glitch where when you /trade, you put the money u pay for then the other person puts the item in. So now, you have the...
Great idea! Except in combat you can't open /shop ya know