Why does school need to ruin your life.
Guys I hope 2017 was awesome, lets try to make 2018 even better then 2017? Enjoy life,and be happy with what u have. -Thirob
Who is giving all these kids drug
Mix we have a 0streak :D and I think my highest was around 100 of votes
iCookie don't u dare to be a spoiler
This sounds weird....Perfect for Matt
I've been around on my own account since March-May 2015 However I played on my friends & Brother's account before that
We had this /shop command on legacy, it had the same price tho, but I like the way to double the prices in /shop then normal. It can be really...
Hope you guys had a great time with your family, keep enjoying those moments because they will stay forever!
Sky ur demote is ready.
Dear players, I'm looking for a guy who is be able to buy me the katana cheatcode (currently 16.25 usd) I will pay 3.75 mil. If u want to do a...
Gasparis u are wrong, Mix puts everything in his ass for 5$
Please don't kick our ass cuz we are from europe ;(
I bet u went to NYC just to create those kind of buildings, nice work <3
Winter break is soon! I'm happy.
ffsss now I need to restart xd
Chibify used to be a staff member, I guess an admin or higher spawned an item in etc
Does the temple needs to be a big 1 or can it be a small but fancy 1?
Mix don"t think its supposed to be for ur family ya weirdo
Hello players of GTM1 I am here because I'm searching for someone who would like to buy me 50 permits = 80.00 USD. I am willing to offer...