Minor Issue, Not Destructive, But wanted to Point out a Small Bug With Heads [IMG] Theres an Issue with the '&7Sell me in the sewer!' This...
o_O Im the Captain Now
Suppressors could silence the noise of Gunfire, if players havnt already.
Aslong as it works :}
Ok, So many people probably have experienced this bug. its When about ever 20m or so a 'Mascot' of your gang name joins your Gang. [IMG] [IMG]...
Correct. a server text that loops in chat, like when it says there are how many staff online.
Probably will be something like: 'AutoText' 'LoopText' 'EasyChat' 'Server Broadcast' Etc, in /plugins.
Now, i know this is probably against the rules for staff, to give out plugins, but umm may i ask, What Plugin does this server use to Loop the...