PrisonedApple06 Kill Aura/Reach Hacks GTM1! Be Careful 1v1ing
Well, If you record and Report on Forums, they wont get banned until the Next day!
Holy ShITE! BruH! Thanks
Mix, Lets keep the tape on 2 Seconds. #Vote Yes!
GTM Bake Sale
I Can Afford the Cost.
GTM1, Will you do it?
Im Willing to give 7.5Mill, And half a dub of minis for a $50 Upgrade to Sponsor.
Everday i have Realised This. Between 3 - 5pm, theres always NO staff online on gtm1, or at all. Many hackers have been on, and they terrorize the...
See how it goes :D
lets keep it 30s? enough for a Player to get kit Crim and drestroy it, or a cop to spawn
a 5 Second (Or More) Cooldown Between placing the Tape, That should stop it being Abused
We Need Aussie Staff, Cause at Midnight For Americanos, Theres atleast 5 hackers
Think About when a Cop warps into Pvp, theres just a geared person shifting infront of him. When the cop turns his back, The Guy Kills Him. It...
(Off Topic) K9, You Resigned?! Your a Disgrace to the Dog World!
Maybe to make it more Realistic?
Thats Good, He Deleted it all in a Rush Within 30 Seconds of me Paying Him. Surely he wasnt Careful
Scammed 6.5mill In a Donor Deal ON Forums, What Retard Does That?
I got scammed 6.5mill Im Past Lazy