I GreedyBozo give bepis69420 14mil in exchange for $10 gc I agree
I GreedyBozo give RDM606 52.5mil in exchange for $35 gc. I Agree
I agree
I GreedyBozo give MushroomGHG 74mil in exchange for $50 gc
I GreedyBozo and giving pedophelia a $15 gc for 19.25 mil.
I GreedyBozo agree.
46mil, dub of jps, stack of canes for $50 gc. I GreedyBozo agree.
I GreedyBozo agree
I GreedyBxtch agree
Giving 2mil for $1.25 on a giftcard
I greedybxtch agree
1.For the minigun glitch, I'm shooting my minigun then i switch to my sniper it shoots my sniper using my sniper ammo but shooting mini bullets....