Dang thats is actually a good give away I'm gonna let other have a opportunity.
I didn't back out I didn't say sure...
I came up with and idea tell me if u like it... So this event will give u a 5% chance every time you vote to get a 2.5k amount of money. Also...
Looks like target or Costco to me
What item/gun is it and turn this item into staff because its an illegal item
Skylix ^^ but also don't log out of tab until its done loading that has happened to me before
Mala_Hiebra Sponsor
PUBG would be amazing
Plus I've been here for 3 1/2 years staff here isn't biast.
Umm okay go ahead when she gets back on
wrong spot http://grandtheftmc.net/support. plus then not worth your time if its been rejected -mala
Blazing wrong spot http://grandtheftmc.net/support
Did she already buy it for you or no? If she did it would make sure you talk the @Micatchu and make sure she up to it
Make alcohol harder if its gonna .15x like that
yes it's not "illegal" but charging back is bannable plus then they have total permission to ban you and most server won't let you buy off there...
I Had thought about this for a while.I've noticed that all the old players have left because they new Gtm legacy was the hype.Now all of the OG's...
Click what he posted
Gyazo or imager your ban thing please.
Okay so let me start off... Can you send me your ban notification like how long and why? and vice is where you grow drugs and become the next El...
hacer un boleto http://grandtheftmc.net/support