im giving Kyain_ 17m for a 10$ giftcard i agree AntiPolicy GTM1
I got them already don't worry about this ticket
deal went smooth
me antipolicy buy him 1k crowbars for 100m gtm1 I agree
Me Antipolicy won march vote wars and I didn't get the 300 crowbars that I was supposed to get :(
Agreed (AntiPolicy)
Deal went smooth
I agree AntiPolicy On gtm1 btw
He is buying me 2 10$ giftcard in return I give him a 20 perm tree house and 7m I agree AntiPolicy GTM1
JakobDerDon and Marzwel Managers are very busy Please just give them some time
Deal went smooth :Cool:
im giving him 14 miniguns and 18m for a 10$ giftcard I agree AntiPolicy on gtm1
Deal Cancelled
Deal cancelled
Me AntiPolicy gives DotMP3 a 10$ giftcard on gtm1 a I agree
he is buying me a 10$ giftcard for 17m on gtm1 I agree AntiPolicy
I am giving him 17.5m for a 10$ giftcard I agree on gtm1 (AntiPolicy