Janigaming if u think its overapyed then do it :D
Idont care that its overpayed i just want the daell
Im paying for a upgrade to supreme from sponsor I pay! 30m 100 katana on gtm 1 (Cholor) if you wanna do the deall msg me in game
he pays piqachu Vip to premium and i (cholor) pay 5,4m
name : Cholor kD:1.7 : Like 700 kills but 29k on gtm 1 :my total hours in all gtms are like 20 per week /i got playtime of 55 day on gtm 1 and...
and fearzz helped me with this unban so idc that he maked it in trend cuz Of hi screenshot there is proof that xfluff gave me it an d that i didnt...
Zuclas i, pretty mad bruh i lose all my shit this is just bullshit at all , i w ona a rps and cuz of that i get a reset of echest + bp istn that...
iwill tell with u wednesday thats when im unbanned,
and its not your Fould,
Fluff its all fine im banned for 2 days but i lose all the shit you gave me thats sad asf and i lose all my own katanas /timlampens head,
i see someti in the future a helpop named RedbinAkamata8
AkaRush youare a awesome staff I hope you get your MC back fast
i hope we can play again together, -ToTo/Cholor
my ban got changed already, xD to 2 days , but it isnt fair , still they wanna reset my echest on gtm 1 and my BP+ inv then i lose 1 stack katana...
Ye nice idea MAKE, a COINFLIP!
Zuclas its for dubbing/lieing but i got fucking proof that it is both BULLSHIT here is the Proof i got banend d cuz i had mix ovum and cruues ovum...
yo why fucking false ban + ignore Its just a false ban and know that to there is anove proof xFluff litterly admitted taht he gave me the item...
Itsnt it anove proof JJ all you do is ignoriing me
dude THE PROOF THAT HE GAVE IT MY FRIEND MAKED IT http://prntscr.com/igjm9q
i didnt got banne dfor ka or reach