There needs to be a motorcycle that you can buy, as a box just wont cut it for some people like me as there needs to be a faster bike so that you...
Ouch, I was tho
Good morning to all :) i will be on today and helping anyone if you need /gmsg me
Thanks to you all who have voted in my forum polls
Posted a new forum all go and check it out
Comment about what u think :)
So hi I’ve been very active in forums in the past two days but this is for the gangs here, there needs to be a new car; a crew car, I was thinking...
If you are new or old gen I recommend you to vote and comment, thanks to the 2 people that voted also sorry about the tazers typo have a good day
Hey Skylix
Hey bandz
LOL Darkrai also hello I’m now the most infamous gtm 7 player
Make sure to check my forum posts I think they help the new gen of gtm players as well as the old gen
My name it JJTheLlamaKing
Hey if you play gtm 7 on 1/20/21 you may know me as the most infamous player, or the moderator’s pet, I know that people are happy and upset about...
I support all to vote and reply on your thoughts as they help me and I get them to mods like @BandzOnly and @Cyborg_
In school might take a nap :>
My cat is passing away :( parents are taking him to the vet
Woo hoo*