And anyone who sees this, don't respond. Cmon we know this is directed at someone.
@Mishel2 Please rewatch the video. Whenever corr literally slows the vid down, it just highlights my ping delay EVEN MORE. Those hits were...
client? I would happily sit down and show you on my pc that it is entirely clean. Be as thorough as you like. Let's start a convo. You already...
@Mishel2 let's start a convo, to show how core's vid was bad. And I'll break a FEW things down right now even but I still want that convo. If you...
I need someone to check if I got banned, if so, then pls tell me. And oh my appeal is gonna be a juicy one seeing that I can use simple math to...
You can't kill someone without hacks
Lol this kiddo thinking they're rare. You can literally phase in and start duping
Start suggesting who's the most irrelevant
This is where you can find all the people that get on other people's nerves, can't jetpack correctly, or they do it in a way of toxicity, bait too...
@JustNassim I was quiet Rude the other day toward you it's just I was pissed for making such a dumb mistake. Unban my main (forum account) please.