he buy me premium to elite for 2mil on GTM1
I can pay 4.5mil?
Great I realy like reading this
he buy me crowbars for 10$ for 1.5mil.
i conform you are cammakun and I will pay when I got the 1000 crowbars
Now i have 500
Oh I needed to relog Sorry
It was standing in chat. But while i wanted to open my first creat i noticed i dont have any crowbars ?
Thx bro
hi buy me 500crobars for 25$ I give him 1redsone block and 1.5mil
I asked MixLogic on Discord what i can do now but didnt get an answer til now
And i also said that the others are in the penthouse! I cant get to them(dont know why it is closed )... I want to pay! Dont scam
I gave you 1kathana
You are scaming ? I didnt get it?
Yes i agree , you buy me vip and when i have it (it is said in chat) you will get 14kathana and 2mil$
Deal ; you are xCLiXx ?
And im not sure but i think this is only his second acc. He was only hobo and wanted the money befor i got the rank... he said i should wait a...
I said i will pay when the rank will arrive! I can be banned for scaming... Why i should do?
Why i should pay you for scamming me ? You didnt buy the rank for me so i didnt pay! You wanted me tp pay thr half yesterday and the half today!