If you want to join TheSponges Gang, please fill out the application below! You need to be of a high rank (not a high donor rank) and have 1.5+...
This is at least happening on GTM 1, but there is severe lag. There was always lag, now there's SO MUCH LAG after the casino update. GTM, at least...
Just wondering who else misses 1.8 PvP
My questions about building a premium house on Creative and transferring it over to GTM have not been answered in days, so here they are: 1) What...
My suggestion is to have player and gang leaderboards accessible on the forum (not the server as no extra lag is wanted by anyone). Some player...
@KingNorbert's thread on what the inside of the casino looks like got me wondering a question I ask all the time: When will the casino open? I am...
Sup Who likes chocolate ice cream? also this is the first thread in this section so cool
Because of the new forum, the voting link does not work. Can someone send me the 5 voting links so I don't lose my voting streak?