I just lost like a 60+ day voting streak and im mad tight rn. what's the worst loss you've ever had on here?
I have a home near Africa, and I went in there just now, and I'm missing somewhere around 10-18 Jetpacks, 16 Wingsuits, and a ton of fuel. No one...
My suggestion is to allow heads to be sold in the trash can, and not in the sewer, once more. I sometimes get heads that are just absolutely...
Bug: Not being able to use Bullshark Question: Why has Bullshark been broken for so long? What is the bug? When will it be fixed?
Can someone link me to the GTM discord? I seem to have deleted it :(
One_letter_longg is buying me, 11kobeer, 1000 crowbars in exchange for 200k in game. One_letter_longg, say "I agree" if you agree to this deal....
Example: I make a deal with someone that if they give me X amount of in-game cash on GTM1 (for example), I will give them Y amount on GTM4?...
I had this conversation on the server, and I was wondering what the community thinks. @Jvkatox said that everyone was spamming @MixLogic. Now,...
So here's my suggestion: In the map, we should have a /shop command that brings up a GUI like a normal shop. Only this shop will be priced twice...
In game name: 11kobeer Bug: Housing bug Description: After the thread a few weeks back asking to report the housing bug in the google doc, it...
For every 5 permits you buy me (11kobeer) on GTM1, I'll pay you $1.25mil in game. 5 permits - 1250000 10 permits - 2500000 15 permits - 3750000...
I've been hearing weird things. I am not sure why, but some people have said the Xmas DP is on the 24th. It's the 25th, correct? And what time is...
1) For example, if I want a premium house on GTM1 that is only on GTM2, are Admins/Managers allowed to copy/paste it for me? 2) What amount of...
As you see, I own house 224. Ever since the housing problem came into effect, I have not been able to even enter it nor click on the sign. Now, at...
I was wondering if some of the Dildos going around are "fake". I traded someone, and I got a Dildo with no damage indicator. Some of my other...
Hey everyone. I have no clue what Vice is, to be honest. It would be awesome if someone could make a "tutorial" video on how to make money and...
I write "(1)" because I know I'll be creating more of these math help threads xD. This is about the combination formula. I understand the VERY...
1) Why is it not that 1 sticky bomb can destroy a fully-armored Kuruma? 2) Why can't we stack things most of the time now like stickys, grenades,...
As you see, I only got $1mil :(. After months of voting xD [MEDIA] Also sorry for the horrible quality.
I was just on GTM1 and xxBeastyBoyzxx, a hacker, flew so fast to me and killed me so quickly (full armor) with obviously killaura. @mrmime555 has...