Thank you. :)
Hello, my favourite enderman. :)
Congratulation on Helper, AR21_ ! :)
Hello! I just would ask, how are you? :)
It is a good idea, but it will happen that the "middle man" will abuse the permissions or the users feeling scammed at rps. So, my part is no.
Welcome to the forum! :)
Congratolation to Admin. It is always nice to see, if someone get a higher rank :)
Hmm... so quiet here. Haii, ItsDeo! :)
That's actually a great idea. :)
You should wait. It can take few days, that a Staff-Member look to your Ticket. Just stay patient.
Ya, boi. You're a mod now. Congratolation!
I found some love. <3 But, i want more love.
Of course, you will.
Looking for some love. ):
I like ice cream, and i'm not gonna share it with other people. :P
I like your new color. ;)
I like you my friend. <3
Wow, He should actually follow you in 1 Day 23 Hours 38 mins and 15 secs.