OK i know im supposed to make a support ticket (which im doing after this) but i just want everyone to know i was banned... (innocent) im accused...
How to beat the lottery. Get a bunch of accounts and buy 1mil of tickets on each one, ur bound to win on atleast one XD
my complaint isnt really about ground people with nets its jpers and wingers with nets. if i come across say a jper and i try to fight them they...
they are fixed just nerfed. they dont block all the damage anymore.
Ever since net launchers were fixed winging hasnt been the same. Theres nothing that im aware of that can combat a net launcher while winging...
You can win with just 1 ticket. Its unlikely but possible.
You are wrong. I won the lottery 3 times in a row once. on the first time i did 50k worth of tickets and won 500k. the next day i did 500k tickets...
I will give you 16 mil on gtm 1 in exchange for sponser and 1000 crowbars. Agree in reply
700k, 128 nets, half dub of kwons, and i buy u sneaky. agree in reply
Mix i dont think it fair that we dont get refunded?
So yesterday everyone was talking about how gangs weere fixed apart from a few bugs. I asked skylicmc if one of the bugs was that it would...
I buy you sneaky cheatcode for 2mil, 5 jps, and 2 katanas on gtm 1. Agree in reply.
OK so i will buy you sneaky cheatcode in exchange for 32 miniguns, 4 katanas, 10 homing launchers, one candy bag, and 650k. wood agree to this is...
Ok thanks (ohmygersh a manager talked to me)
Im not sure if im the only one with this problem but your statement on the "no limits" to the amount of ads you can watch is not true. i keep...
Ok here are terms. I buy you Sneaky cheatcode and you give me 1.8mil and 1 katana on gtm1. Say u agree to this in reply.
Xnap reply saying that you agree to these terms: I will buy you large christmas parcel for 500k dollars and 1 double chest of wingsuits and 64...
ok il buy u it nopw
Ok so triple u must agree to this. i buy u vip u give me my 58 minis, jps, heads and the other things u stole.
he wanted premium for this, but he aggreed to vip