and I got raided again, everything ruined :( all villagers dead and lost all hoppers and minecarts. Bloddy parasites :P
yeah guys, sick and working, so little time for vice. I hope I can go online a few hours later today, but I think you're sleeping then srm :)
Wow, missed this one. Nice gesture CoolRainbowVFX! Wont join but really good luck to everyone :D
With only a few hours to go for the vote war of october, I just want to mention that the voting leaderboard on the phone still shows wrong figures...
@DragonzzzYT I was online but you were afk. I added you to the house. the giveaway chest is around the corner to the right when you come inside...
yeah, I believe I have tried everything. waiting, removing stuff and put it back (bottles, potatoes etc). breaking and building new brewingstands....
Hi dragonz, I tried many times to find you online for your prize. I can't be online today, only right now a little bit. Im in EU. were are you?
Thank you guys for all sweet comments. I love gtm and love to make giveaways & lotteries <3
Hi, I just wanted to tell that brewingstands are still broken on Vice. Actually it says in this announcement (by bug fixes) that is should be...
AND THE GIVE-AWAY WINNERS ARE: GTM1 1. DragonzzzYT 2. IkBenThijsNiet GTM2 1. corstiaan 2. DieHeldernaar GTM3 1. Envelope439 2. MasterJayJay...
No in 1 hour
GTM1234&5 giveaway lottery countdown: 1hour. Whats that?
I'm really sorry guys, but I can only draw the winners at 18:30 CET COUNTDOWN: 1hrs You don't have to be online to win. For anyone that didn't...
Hi EssigGurkchen, when you bought the cheat code you got an email confirmation from GTM. In that email there is a transactionID. You need to find...
I can mine ok, I dont lag on vice. and trust me the x-ray plugin is really needed, was awful before that, everyone got raided non-stop. I hope...
Congratulations iTraitor! Happy for you. I have a feeling we will also see you a bit on Vice :D
Nice initiative HenningLenz :) I can trade you for some jps and minis on gtm1
I respect the man who kills the evil chinees spammer! Once and for all... (mix ;)) and meh, was much too easy death for mr hitler. I hope he...
Hi peraldon, could it be that the Vice server hasn't restarted yet after bug fixes? I'm asking because brewingstands are still broken. I tried old...