xStayHighx will be buying myself, FlyingKittens_, a 10$ giftcard for 7.5mil. Post "I agree" down below
I don't really know why you guys did this, but you changed the titles that I can purchase with my candy canes from last christmas. This really...
I, Doric, will be getting CursedSKG premium->elite (25$) for 25k. Post down below if you agree
I'll be giving ImmortalChaos 39 wings, 18 jps, 10 katanas, and 2mil for a 10$ giftcard. (and an ADD to my 90 permit house.)
I will be giving afchlam 30 katanas, 20 wings, 54 jps, 2mil, and I'll keep him added to my 20 permit house for three 10$ giftcards which he will...
Giving Freakplayzzz 5.4mil, 30 katanas, and 20 jps for a 25$ giftcard.
I'm giving DieHeldIsCool 5.1mil on gtm1 for the 10$ leftover from his vote war giftcard. Post below if you agree
I'm giving _Flaming_Phoenix 6.2mil, 20 jps, 10 katanas for 5 permits (15.75$) Post down below if you agree
Paying DaRightSkin 3.7mil, 40 katanas, 20 jps, and an 8 permit house for two 10$ giftcards Post I agree down below
115gamer will be buying me a 25$ giftcard for 4mil, 50 jps, 13 katanas. If he cannot complete the trade he will refund me my items. 115gamer post...
Do you guys know about those last few unusable permits that some people have? I suggest that we add the option to purchase singular permits from...
I know what you guys are thinking. There is a way to sell trashcans right now. But that way involves moving a lot of items back and forth between...
I'll be giving BeatBoyCreaper 2.5mil for Sneaky Cheatcode for MafiosoKitten. Post down below if you agree
So I lost my 100% vote streak because of the inability to vote on the server as it was being fixed. When I tried to vote on all 5 sites I didn't...
/stack has been broken for like 8 months now. I know there are bugs with it but should devs rlly take 8 months to fix what supremes paid for?
I'm giving bigmario06 4mil and 20 jps for 5 permits (15.75$). Put down below if you agree
So I recently bought a 350k house at city center to move stuff from a 40 permit house so I could sell a trashcan (Thanks devs for not adding a...
I'll be paying bigmario 3mil and 3 jps for A vip-->Premium upgrade for MafiosoKitten
I (FlyingKittens_) will be giving fovv 1.5mil for the sneaky cheatcode. Post below if you agree fovv: