Holy shot mindiana looks epic unban me so I can see it;)
Not very epic but ok
IGN: Kqxorr KDR: 2.1 KIlls: like 4.4k Total hours: 336 Dedicated hours: around 2-3 Rank: Elite, godfather (both GTMs) Donor deals? lol no how...
buy me unban or mega bad
omg stop expose me
yE i agree br0s im kqxorr, hungryafrican__ name change blah blah blah
give me my FUCKING permits i need 5 my house got forcesold and i want these cuz i want a big boy permit house also flofin said that i should get...
dOG is me\ kqxorr i accept woOOooOo\ you do r have gay lol
hey, kqxorr here, saying i accept also you have the big gay
I'll give 9mil for 500 crowbars, and 13mil for 15 permits.
yup, i, Kqxorr agree to this this is how you do it right