Nets were 'broken" after update making nets explosive, or useless, as you say. Nets always shot like how they are now, its the fact that shields...
There is no way to get a refund to the money used to make gangs correct? I was told to make a support ticket including gangs name and they can...
Fkit Ill apply, wont be very active though. I main on gtm2 and 6. But I would like the allies ;) IGN: Really__ (Corruptiion_) KD: Corruptiion KD...
I would join but gtm1 lags me out.. Good luck though
This is for what server exactly?
Hey, on my appeal you said to "Wait out the mute" when I was banned for 30 days, I got 15 days left. My IGN Is Corr_ (Was Corruptiion_)
Glass panes for sure
Let this dam thread die, the mods gave their response. Stfu mate.
Giving 7 mil, 5 katanas, 5 wings, 6 jps, and gold minigun for sponsor rank on gtm6. IGN: Corruptiion_ hmu. There arent many gtm6 players but look...
Fucks sake VLNDP, you gotta bother staff until they do what you want eh? It worked with your 4th unban...