I don't think it's falsely sold out. I'm sorry but you need to follow the rule of logging on to Gtm in anytime to save your home. Rip Cx Next time...
I try to explain the issue rip me ;c
Idk why people like these video but yeah meme
Sorry, to hear the sad news about the past but yeah try to respect staff in any way even u hate them just be nice.
Actually, no Gtm weren't toxic and racism to begin with and when I first join in everyone was very nice in general and I do really like it. You...
Guys, I don't think toxicity work since you mention JJ as a terrible staff. It's rude to insult someone you don't fully know on the game. Respect...
I'm currently taking a class that is not advance python course. I still need extra help on python lesson. If anyone could help me, I would be...
I feel bad for this child complaint about fall damage on Minecraft very disappointing. Yikers CX
their a time limit show up on the login. I think your home got sold due to the time expired by 45 days and if u haven't check in the place for...
Have you log in to Gtm 7 recently?