The boat seems kind of empty on the inside in some areas, and I think the outside needs more detail
Was this a scam?
Not really. 1150 euros is around $1300, and for that much you could get pretty high end parts. Maybe even an i7 8700k and a GTX 1070. However, I’m...
that is very overpriced for what you’re getting my dude
Dell has an okay desktop with an i5 8400 and a GTX 1060 3gb. It usually sells for around $800 but I’ve seen it as low as $730
This thread should be locked
Pretty good deal (~$280k per dollar). Good luck!
Bigmario06, do you agree to buy me (Megadog1212) 5 permits in exchange for 6.5 million on GTM 1? Please type "I agree" if you agree. I,...
Any hints about what may be added? ;)
Could we have new things added to the tokenshop? Currently, most people spend their tokens on supreme kits or perms which is ok, but I think it...
I usually say something in /help right after I do /report
Staff needs to respond quicker to /report. I understand staff are usually busy, but banning hackers should be a priority.
No, Lightning McQueen does. Stop spreading fake rumors
This thread is a little late to the party :/
Why is this section of the forums always dead???
Now willing to pay 6.3 million for 400k per dollar (not doing an edit because of the sale)
The deal specifies that the money is on GTM 1, I won’t be able to do any other servers
I understand that, I just wanted a staff response as it tends to result in players replying