Deal gone smooth !
Im giving oak a 10$ giftcard for 143 jps on gtm1
And the donor deal went smooth !
He didnt know how to agree on the forum but he did msg me in discord
Im giving him 20mil for a 10$ giftcard ( hes using my ign and email) i agree GTM1
Donor deal gone smooth !
Im giving blessed a 10$ giftcard ( i already own the giftcard) for 66 JP kats on gtm1 i agree
Deal gone smooth
Im giving laufverbot 20million for a 10$ giftcard ( hes using my username and my email ) gtm1 i agree
Im Buying Crit VIP for 31 jps 11 kats and 9 wings and 14m on gtm1 i agree
Deal went smooth!
Im giving sturmiluli 19.5m for a 10$ giftcard (to my email and using my username) GTM1
Nougsoc well account sharing is now banable so if anyone logs onto an account that isnt there it will be banned and you are not allowed to sell...
- he pulled out-
deal went smooth
Im giving darkboy 19mil and 1 dildo for a 10$ gc ( using my ign and email ) on gtm1
(Clover Boy)
-- deal cancelled
deal done