*reports for reporting people for actions perfectly within the rules* kappa
I love all(most, but all of them were very well thought out) these suggestions and am grateful to you for taking the time and effort to use proper...
why not both
.they are @HenningLenz
ummm wut
Wait I ... can't
. are they
bread is good just not cornbread
I always choke on cornbread
I mean you could always do it for the homing launcher... Oh wait, no, that's bad too.
When you want to have an opinion and join in on this awesome argument but you can't choose what side to take. Convince me people
Waiting for the build comp results is worse than corn bread.
Oooooof U get banned?
In the attempts of creating variety in my conversation starters... Oof?
I am conflicted. On one hand I feel the staff did an absolutely terrific job with the new update. On the other hand I want the old GTM back.
DieHeldernaar finna get his ass gangbeat
You can't stop an idea. -Anonymous
For wut
I've seen: MixLogic(the normal one) Mix_Logic LogicMix