Where is the "fun"?
420 messages? *click* noice
WAIT, SKIN UPDATE??? REEEEEEE *goes into hyper skin collecting mode*
effects. tho idea No are ;) Sound @HenningLenz
I'm doing something wrong with my builds... Please send help
: oof : GG to the winners! Rip me. Welp, there's always next time...
I will be posting a huge thread later on the topic. If you'd like to PM me with what you think should be done or have any of your friends do...
@MixLogic where's my oof emoji when I need it
I agree with this, pistols and the sort are no match for the minigun. But a couple days ago I put 400 rounds into a player with titanium and I...
So... No more _Hashtec_ or Flo? :(
Please feel free to comment with suggestions.
Agreed. Jitter-clicking adds a level of skill to GTM PVP that the players who have played long enough deserve. To be fair it doesn't even add that...
I agree, Hydra isn't as good as it should be for the hefty 2mil price tag. 10/10 idea.
I don't have enough time to elaborate atm, but I would like to take a poll on what the community thinks needs to happen with the current balance...
#first stop my stealing
stop stealing my #first
Does that say 35 flamethrowers? :eek:
i legit came here to say the same thing xD
I just downloaded optifiine, and have realized I have no idea what i'm doing. Anyone got any good settings for GTM?
We aren't even remotely making fun of him. Nassim is an awesome dood. tbh tho idek wtf im doing @HenningLenz[/USER] explain .No