nothing I say. to got
probs me amount of times ive jetpacked = 8 times amount of jectpackers ive killed whilst jetpacking = 4 thats a solid 2.0 ratio there
me rn
This is my value, all of this stuff/money is on gtm2. Oh lol, for a second there I was impressed o_O JK JK xD good job
@Owendog77 ... You just made me think about my life...
been takin a break from minecraft for a bit. ill be back
I'm making more while u flood gtm with chicken soup i will flood gtm with chicken soup memes
I'm sorry but 6 is to relatable....
but do u feel my pain
wow I just see this now FML and sry for the spam read the first comments :(
Always come back to this post. There will be more bad memz :D Meme number 1 Meme number 2...
I actually used to be HUGE on the provided website, back then when I had an Ipad. #202 I had a super cringey...
Sorry accidentally provided wrong link. Should be fixed.
Is posting on this thread now considered necropost.
oooooof " Educate fellow GTM citizens by linking them this .tk redirect the next time they say an ignorant statement like "GTM is dying." " an******
gtm is dying
@Janigaming @Mistagojo yall mind not stealin my thing :( (jk lol) fifteenth
but y quit tho