ill pay him 82.5m on gtm1 for a 50 dollar gc on my email I agree
Deal went smooth btw
ill give him 37 jp kats and 250k on gtm1 for a 10 dollar gc via dc I agree gtm1 btw
I agree
btw the gc does NOT expire
hes gonna pay me 14.5m on gtm1 for a 10 dollar gc ill send the gc via dc
he sends me a 10 dollar gc via dc for 13.5m on gtm1 I agree
me agree btw
ill pay him 27m on gtm1 for a 20 dollar gc via dc I agree
its on gtm1 I agree
ill send him a 25 dollar gc via dc for 36.5m on gtm1
ill pay him 34.5m on gtm1 for a 25 dollar gc via dc I agree
Yes I do
Went smooth btw
ill give bigmacjhuan (aka totoplays) 27m and 5 kats on gtm1 for a 20 dollar gc (hes gonna send me the code via dc)type I agree if you agree