#Resetgtm and #FreakingMergeTheGtms
Feel that you should decorate the boat, like put a swimming pool on it ect. It could be place near isledegrande as a premium / normal house
Im doing this deal on gtm 2, i mainly want to buy from no rank to premium, i have 12mil to spend, i can include katanas and jps.
Hello, i am a poor nigeran looking for someone to do a donor deal. I offer 400k for every $1 on the gtm store, please tell me your budget if you...
Now, if one of you would like to disect an item into atoms and store them then put them back together, its basically impossible.
To simplify, for time travel to be possible, you would have to break down the molecular structure of the object into atoms and rejoins them after...
I will pay 3million and 10 katanas and my head on gtm 2. Thats around 360k/ Dollar Reply to this thread on msg me on discord ( its hyperdar#7789...
Popping all these checks Got that brand new rollex
Jeez. Fucking 4 terabytes. Nice 1080 Ti Graphics card though
Drake got competition
You redeem the card. I think it has a code or smthing?
Ok bby :3 Ill msg you on discord the date : D
I have a budget of 1.5k. My school makes it so we can choose whatever laptop or desktop we want as long as its better than a mac
Thanks : 3
I meann.... could anyone think of a good gaming desktop i could get?
What about a glitched dildo that does 0 dmg
Im saving up for an OMEN laptop.